Tiny tidbits of information from behind the scenes of www.TheBodyBakery.com

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dessert du Jour..Try Something New

I am totally new to blogging. I haven't ever read a blog, I don't know anyone who has written a blog and, frankly, I never thought I had anything interesting enough to blog about. So why, you must be wondering, did I start this blog? Because I woke up today with the desire to try something completely new and different.

So I began searching the web for "How to Blog" and "Topics to Blog About" (because I wanted my blog to be perfect) and I quickly came to realize that there is not a 'right' or 'wrong way' to blog. That there are no set rules or definitive guidelines as to what you can or cannot say, what people may or may not find interesting, or even how often to update it. People write about anything and everything in their world good or bad, controversial or politically correct, and post it for the world to read...and they do!

In stepping out of my comfort zone, into unfamiliar territory, I feel as though I am embarking on an exciting journey that will allow me to communicate on a more personal level, and provide you with a different perspective of what The Body Bakery is all about. I will try and write about topics that have atleast some substance or relevance, but there will be times that I deviate from that promise and write about something trivial and meaningless. Regardless of the topic, I always welcome your constructive feedback and input. Is there a specific topic that you would like me to write about? Are there any questions that you want to ask me that you want answered here? If so, email me directly at:
info@TheBodyBakery.com and I will try and address them all.. if I can.

That leads me to my question: What new and exciting thing have you tried recently for the first time? Was it a good or bad experience?

Looking forward to your Comments and Thank You for reading what I hope is the first of many topics to come!

Best Wishes,

Lia Schmoldt


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lea,
Well, good for you, your first blog! WOO-WOO.
Okay, seriously, I have never blogged myself(Is that even a word?)So this IS my first response to a blog.
But I too am willing to try new things, which brings me to the topic of your Body Bakery Products.. Obviously, before I found the body bakery site,they were products I had never tried.
I am now hooked and hope many other try the heavenly and delicious scents you have to offer. I am considerring the new fall scents, they all sound delicious.
You have the best body products and I wish you continued success with the products and your first ever blog. WAY TO GO !!!!